Trangia 25-1 GB Stove with Alloy Pans & Gas Burner, Silver

Developed to cope with the most extreme mountain conditions, and used today by outdoor people all over the world, The Trangia storm-proof stove system comprises two windshields that fit together, a gas burner, a couple of pans, a combined lid/frypan, and a handle. This Trangia 25-1 GB Cook Set comes with a gas burner which provides more heat than the conventional meths burner, all without leaving any deposits on the pans.  It’s an excellent family stove with capacious pans, and a wide frying pan. With the supports in the raised position, the stove can be used with large billies from the rest of the Trangia range. Trangia’s stoves are extremely lightweight and hardwearing, and need no special care, being reliable, without unnecessary parts that can go wrong or be adversely affected by cold. 1.5 litre Ultralight aluminium pan 1.75 litre Ultralight aluminium pan 22cm Ultralight aluminium frying pan/lid Upper ultralight aluminium windshield Lower ultralight aluminium windshield Replacement or additional Trangia Pan Handle to fit any size of Trangia cook system  Strap that holds the cook set together when packed away. Notice – as a precaution when using the Trangia Gas burner please ensure that the canister is upright, and not laid on it’s side, to ensure liquid fuel does not escape into the fuel hose. Weight: 930g